Teleskof Greenhouses
Six families of Chaldean Christians living in the Teleskof area now run two productive greenhouses, thanks to the generous donations of our supporters.

Six Families
livelihoods have been restored
direct project cost
November 2019
The project was successfully completed
*These figures exclude the costs of management, monitoring and evaluation carried out in Iraq by Mosaic Middle East. They also exclude the UK office costs.

The project
restore these family businesses
- Increasing in the production of locally-grown produce
- Establishing job opportunities for young people in six families
- Encouraging local people to reopen their businesses
- Supporting original residents of the town to stay in their place of origin
take action
Restore hope for people like Raed the chicken farmer

£5/month could provide 100 chicks for a chicken farmer in a year.

Provide for a family-run business
£100 will provide a year’s seed for one of our commercial greenhouse projects.

A gift in your Will could unlock a future project
A gift in your Will could unlock a future project. One recent legacy paid for new commercial greenhouses in Karamles, northern Iraq. Find out more on our legacies page.