The dome of St George's Chaldean Church in Teleskof is a symbol of hope being rebuilt amongst the ruins of Teleskof. This Christian town, in the Nineveh Plain region of Northern Iraq, was one of the many communities ravaged and traumatised by ISIS. Houses, churches, schools and shops were looted and burnt down, forcing the inhabitants to flee. Once the town was liberated, and families slowly began to return, they found the scale of damage overwhelming. Now, several years on, there is still a need for investment in infrastructure, and the demand for homes to be rebuilt remains urgent.
Working alongside local NGO, Friends of Youth Forum, Mosaic is establishing a business that will provide employment to three engineers. However, the impact is far greater than these three individuals: the business will create trade for local construction workers and craftsmen, as well as reduce the cost of rebuilding homes for Teleskof residents who will be able to use a local company. It is in contributing to the restoration of lives through such projects, that Mosaic’s Nineveh SEED programme continues to have a transformative impact at the community level.
Part of Mosaic's vision is to support persecuted minorities in rebuilding their lives after the devastation of conflict. Without such support, communities find themselves with little choice but to leave their homes and seek a more sustainable future beyond their borders.
In Teleskof, your support has enabled Mosaic to work with local partners to invest in the sustainable reconstruction of lives and livelihoods. It is essential that this investment is sustained over a long period - not only in the immediate aftermath of war - which is why we continue to stand alongside this community as they seek to rebuild the hope for a future for the town.
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