May 08, 2020

Sending More Love and Hygiene Packs for Refugees

Emergency Relief
How your support has helped provide more love and more hygiene packs for refugee camps in this virus-crisis.
These photographs show some of the latest distributions in the Bardarash and Kaparto camps in northern Iraq.
As you may have read, Mosaic Middle East are providing thousands of people in refugee camps with boxes of hygiene products including soap. We hope to help them prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. This week we thought we would just share some of the messages we have received in thanks (translated by our team)....
Refugees from Sinjar, sheltered in Kurdistan region due to ISIS since 2014:
Vian Khalaf, 39 years old, mother and head of household, has 5 Children: "We will never forget this help as it comes during such a difficult time. This help is coming from people to people and this is what encourages me that still there are generous and good people around the world. The support which comes from those people give me a sense of sisterhood and brotherhood. So, you cannot find any nicer feeling than that."
Khidher Mustafa, 67 years old, has 6 children: "Thank you so much for your kind help. It’s appreciated by all of us in the camp. I want to say, we as Yazidis, are forgotten by all sides. The only supporter we have is the Kurdistan Regional Government... During this pandemic, only NGO’s like Mosaic Middle East supported us."
Hassan Omer, 25 years old, father of a girl: "First of all, thanks so much for the help…. Due to government measures to confront Coronavirus, movement within and out of the camp is very restricted. No one can go out, so there is no job to make money to feed our children. We are here for more than 6 years. Day after day our life is getting harder and harder. Still, there is not any window of hope to go back to our place of origin. Any help is very much appreciated."
Refugees from northern Syria, now in the Kurdistan Region due to Syrian conflict:
Khalil Maasum, 79 year old man, has 5 children: "I appreciate your help for protecting us from this disease. We are living in this camp with limited resources … So, God sent you to help us and to protect us from such illness. I thank you and whoever supported you to help us." 
Halima Salman, woman who is head of household and has 3 girls and a boy: "Thanks so much for your help… Living in a camp and being responsible to feed your children is not an easy job at all… Any help at this difficult time will save our lives... God bless Mosaic Middle East and God bless Mosaic Middle East’s supporters." 
Ibrahim Salim, 45 years old, has 2 children: "Your support just came at the right moment. Barely you can find an organisation to come and help us… I really appreciate Mosaic Middle East’s support for the vulnerable families in our camp…. Sometimes, as a breadwinner, you find yourself in a position which you feel shame and guilt toward your family, as you cannot move and your children asking for their basic needs."
We are just about to spend another £8,000 TODAY on hygiene packs. We want to do the same next week. See below for how to help.
Above: One of the Mosaic Middle East hygiene packs costing just £12.50 each. Our partners the Barzani Charity Foundation helped with the distribution, for which we are very grateful
Our response to the Virus
How can you help?

We are responding urgently to the needs of refugees during the pandemic. We have staff on the ground, unlike many Western NGOs. Our strong relationships with political leaders and communities help us to act quickly. - Abdulrahman, our Iraq Programme Manager.

Pray: Please pray for the protection of the vulnerable refugee families we are supporting. Pray that we will continue to enjoy good relations with all relevant authorities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. To receive our monthly prayer calendar email us at [email protected].

Donate: During the Coronavirus Pandemic the economy has been battered. Many people's jobs are at risk. Others with investments have lost huge amounts. We therefore completely understand if you are unable to provide a donation. But if you are able to give, we will be very grateful.

Your support makes all the difference to people we work with on the ground in northern Iraq.
Donate Now
Posted by Mosaic Middle East