April 27, 2020

We act to provide hygiene packs for refugee camps

Emergency Relief
Imagine that you lived in a refugee camp, having been forced out of your home and your country due to war or terrorism. You have lost everything. Now you are faced with the Coronavirus pandemic. How can you keep your kids clean? Will the disease spread in the camp and infect your elderly parents? How many will die? This is the frightening prospect for many thousands of refugees in northern Iraq. We are acting NOW.
Bardarash Camp, 2019
Above: one of the team moves the Mosaic Middle East hygiene packs ready for distribution to the camp last week.
Abdulrahman, our Iraq Programme Manager writes…
“Due to the lockdown measures taken by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in response to COVID-19, refugees were finding themselves isolated and in fear within the camps. It was very hard for the UN agencies and NGOs to get there and provide refugees with enough support.
But Mosaic Middle East have a great relationship with the Ministry of Interior. As a result we have been able to deliver our support to the needy people within the camps. Mosaic Middle East also enjoys deep engagement and grass root relationships with communities and community organisations. And those relationships allow us to deliver and contribute to the life of needy people. UN agencies and many other INGO’s are still in the long queue to get permission to get the camps. We hope that they can gain access too very soon.
As a result of your donations, last week over 1,000 people in Bardarash Syrian refugee camp benefitted from our hygiene kits."
Above: One of the FRRME hygiene packs costing just $15 each. Our partners the Barzani Charity Foundation helped with the distribution, for which we are very grateful
Next .... the Yazidi Refugee Camp
Our next action is to provide 500 vulnerable Yazidi families with hygiene kits in the Kaparto camps.
With more funds we could do even more – so please keep supporting us in this work. It can literally save lives.
Our Response to the Virus
How can you help?

Mosaic Middle East will respond urgently to the needs of refugees during the Pandemic. We are able to be creative and have staff on the ground, unlike many Western NGOs. Our strong relationships with political leaders and communities help us to act quickly. - Abdulrahman - Our Iraq Programme Manager

Pray: Please pray that we will continue to enjoy good relations with all relevant authorities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Pray that we will be able to support many more refugees of all faiths during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Donate: Our initial target is to raise £20,000 for hygiene packs. During the Coronavirus Pandemic the economy has been battered. Many people's jobs are at risk across the world. Others with investments have lost huge amounts. We therefore completely understand if you are unable to provide a donation. But if you are able to do so we would be very grateful.


We are very grateful for you donations at this time. They directly impact the work on the ground in Northern Iraq through our development projects and emergency relief work.
Posted by Mosaic Middle East