Impact example
£10 month goes towards our vital work advocating for persecuted Christians in the Middle East.
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The most cost-effective way to donate to us is through bank transfer. There are lots of other donate options.
Those wishing to donate over the phone can do so by calling +44 1730 267 673.
Those wishing to donate over the phone can do so by calling +44 1730 267 673.
Make a donation from the US
Supporters in America are able to make tax-deductible donations by donating through our CAF America platform.
Bank transfers or standing orders
Barclays Bank Plc, Leicester, LE87 2BB.
Alternatively, fill out the form below and post it to us.
Where your money goes
Your gifts bring hope, help and healing in the Middle East
The figures include an apportionment of our central costs, but do not take account of the massive contribution of volunteers both in the UK and in the Middle East.
For a copy of our audited accounts see the Charity Commission website or contact our office.
St George’s Clinic
Refugee Support
(inc Olive Tree)
Advocacy and Reconciliation
Nineveh SEED Livelihood Projects