ISIS burned down her farm. Together, we've restored it.
Two years ago, we promised Linda that we would try to help. With the generous support of our partners American FRRME, restoring her farm has now been made possible. Our latest Nineveh SEED project has restored to Linda and her five children their calf-rearing farm - fully restored and with a new well created. Watch the 3 minute film or read more of her story below:
Linda's Story
Linda Marzina Matti is a Christian from Qaraqosh. She is 39 years old. She went through a very sad period in her life during the ISIS conflict. They burned down her home and destroyed her calf-rearing farm. The farm was her only source of income to feed her children. So she and her family took refuge in Erbil.
As soon as ISIS were defeated, Linda and her family returned to try to restart their life. Then Linda’s husband was killed in an electrical accident. His unexpected loss left Linda in a state of depression. She found herself alone to care for and school her two boys and three girls.
We first met Linda two years ago at her farm, and spent time listening to her story:
“Before ISIS we were raising 40 cows on this farm and then we would sell them in the market. It was our only source of income. But now, there is nothing I can do with this ruined farm. I hope someone is able to help us to rebuild it” - Linda
We promised Linda that we would try to help. With the generous support of our donors, this has now been made possible. Today Linda is very happy; she is planning the imminent reopening of her calf-rearing farm. She will be able to stay in her hometown and bring up her five children.
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£10/month over a year will provide the seeds for one of our commercial greenhouse projects. Click donate now to view this and other examples of how your donation can help future Nineveh SEED projects.
Posted by Mosaic Team