500 olive trees have been planted to restore this Olive Tree farm in Bashiqa on the Nineveh Plains
Jointly funded 50/50 by Mosaic Middle East and American FRRME
Watch the short film provided by our partners in the region, Ghasin Al-Zaiton, and discover Hashim's story. See for yourself the progress on his olive tree farm - simply click on the image below.
Press play for sound
Planting in peace
This Nineveh SEED project recultivated and restored this olive tree farm just outside Bashiqa on the Nineveh Plains. The project was made possible by donations to American FRRME in the US. May we thank all of you who donate in the US.
This project and other Nineveh SEED projects like it make all the difference, giving jobs to young people, restoring businesses for these workers and hope for their communities. Our work in Bashiqa has a particular focus on building community cohesion as it is a mixed community of Muslim, Yazidi, Christian and other ethno-religious groups.
Mosaic Middle East provide managerial backup and development of these projects through our team members on the ground in Iraq. Abdulrahman Isaac, our Iraq programme manager and Naeel, our Field Monitoring Officer - both based in northern Iraq worked on this project with implementation partners Ghasin Al-Zaiton.
Abdulrahman said: “After ISIS was defeated in this town, people returned... but they found their olive farms burned. On one hand, those farms were the main source of income for the farm owners, and on the other hand they were the main source of income for young people with different ethno-religious backgrounds who were working there."
Your gifts help restore hope and a sustainable future for destabilised Iraqis
Providing job opportunties is so important in enabling Christian and other communities to return to their homeland. Through our Nineveh SEED Programme we carefully identify, scope and execute sustainable projects like this one that help people regain their livelihoods. Partner with us today and create a new tomorrow for these people: