Q: How do we love young refugees 1000s of miles away?
A: Invest in the things they love to do - like football!
A: Invest in the things they love to do - like football!
The football project is a lifeline of hope to the young people here in northern Iraq. Used by hundreds of families each year, it serves this camp, the Harsham Camp for Internally Displaced People (refugees within their own country).
This summer they asked our team on the ground for more kit and balls for their growing teams. Thanks to the generosity of Mosaic Middle East's supporters, we have been able to respond. See for yourself - click the 2 minute video below to watch:

The Horsham Football Project
Part of Mosaic Middle East's Nineveh SEED Programme, this ongoing project has four key aims:
- To help children and young people enjoy healthy sport and recreation
- To reduce the risk of Islamist radicalisation
- To enhance the self-esteem of children and young people, living in such dire circumstances
- To engender team-work skills and good values.
Through the Nineveh SEED Programme, we carefully identify, scope and execute sustainable projects that help people regain their livelihoods. The projects create jobs, provide community benefit and ultimately, encourage displaced people to return. 'SEED' stands for Sustainable Enterprise, Economic Development. Find out more on the Nineveh SEED page of our website: