September 04, 2020

Help Us Reach These Ambitious Goals for 2024

We're delighted to share our ambitious goals for 2024 in this week's update. But we simply cannot achieve them without your help. Your prayer, support, legacies and donations make all the difference.
FRRME may now look a little different on the outside under the new name, Mosaic Middle East, but our mission remains to:
Bring Hope, Help and Healing in the Middle East
For those new to the mailing list, you may have missed the news about our changing name. Formerly The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East we are now known as Mosaic Middle East.
Our Ambitious Goals for 2024
Mosaic Middle East is improving the lives of thousands of people in Iraq and Jordan. We provide vital emergency relief, but also help people to help themselves through sustainable development and centres of empowerment. One of our strengths is that we are deeply involved with communities in the Middle East. We listen a lot. And then we respond. These are our ambitious goals to achieve by 2024:
a) 12,000 Iraqi Christian refugees supported in Jordan
There is a growing need for our relief and empowerment work. We hope to expand our capacity from the 2020 level of 7,700 people supported each year.
b) 4 new Olive Tree Centres
Our first Olive Tree Centre in Madaba, Jordan supports hundreds of Christian refugees with a range of educational, therapeutic and empowerment programmes.  In partnership with local Jordanian churches, we will enable new Centres and greatly expand their impact.
c) 2,000 beneficiaries of our Nineveh SEED Development Programme
Partnering with Iraqi NGO's we've already provided 10 new business and job creation projects. We aim to complete a further 30-40 projects in the next three years, helping people to help themselves through sustainable development.
d) 1,000 refugees through advocacy support
We are developing a pioneering new programme to advocate for refugees and their families; including healthcare, education and applications for asylum.
e) 20,000 patient treatment visits at St George's Clinic each year
We are the main funders of the Clinic, which comes under the auspices of the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf. Our ambition is to help them secure sustainable funding for the long-term.
Help Us Reach These Goals
We can only do this with your support - your prayers, donations, and legacies to Mosaic Middle East really do make all the difference. See below for all the links.
Our team are always available to answer any questions our supporters and donors may have. Do contact us using [email protected].
How to help
How to help
Pray, or Leave a Legacy
from the team
Thank you!

Together with our donors and supporters we are expressing Christian compassion to some of the most vulnerable people in our world. In doing so we echo the words of the Apostle Paul “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Posted by Mosaic Team